오유관 사진
제7공학관 부속연구동 102호


 주요 학력


2004 부산대학교화학공학 (생물공학), 공학박사

1997 부산대학교화학공학 (생물공학), 공학석사

1995년 부산대학교, 화학공학공학사


 주요 경력


부산대학교 화공생명공학부 부교수 (2017.9 - 현재)

한국에너지기술연구원 바이오자원순환연구실 , 선임연구원 / 책임연구원 / 실장 / 단장 (2006-2017.8)

충남대학교 에너지과학기술대학원 겸임교수 (2016-2017)

과학기술연합대학원대학교 (UST) 재생에너지공학 겸임교수 (2017)

고려대학교 학연산 협동 석박사과정 객원교수 (2017)

미국 Univ. of California, San Diego 박사후연구원 (2005)

부산대학교 공과대학 박사후연구원 (2004)

동해안해양생물자원연구센터 전임연구원 (1999-2001)





한국해양바이오학회지 편집위원장 (2014- 현재 )

Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. (Springer), 편집위원 (2011- 현재 )

과학기술정보통신부 기초연구사업 추진위원회 위원 (2017- 현재 )

과학기술정보통신부 X- 프로젝트 추진위원회 위원 (2016- 현재 )

국무조정실 녹색성장지원단 녹색기술 민간평가단 위원 (2017)

한국연구재단 기초연구본부 ICT· 융합연구단 전문위원 (2015-2016)

산업통상자원부 R&D 전략기획단 에너지사업 산업기술 R&BD 전략수립 바이오폐기물 분야 위원 / 위원장 (2013-2014)

Member, Annex 21 Biological hydrogen program committee, International Energy Agency (IEA) (2006-2008)


한국신재생에너지학회 이사 (2014- 현재 )

한국신재생에너지학회 2017 춘계학술대회 프로그램 위원장 (2017)

한국해양바이오학회 이사 (2013- 현재 ), 학술이사 (2014-2015)

한국생물공학회 정회원 , 평회원 (1995- 현재 )

한국공업화학회 정회원 (2010- 현재 )

한국조류학회 정회원 , 평회원 (2011- 현재 )




미래창조과학부 과학기술진흥 장관 표창 (2016)

한국해양바이오학회 학술장려상 (2016)

한국에너지기술연구원 모범직원상 (2011)

한국에너지기술연구원 학술연구상 (2008)


 주요 저서


1. JY Seo, JG Kim, K Lee, YC Lee, JG Na, SG Jeon, SB Park, YK Oh * (2017) Multifunctional nanoparticle applications to microalgal biorefinery, pp. 59-87. In. M Rai, SS da Silva (eds.). Nanotechnology for bioenergy and biofuel production, Springer, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-45459-7

2. YK Oh , SM Raj, GY Jung, S Park * (2013) Metabolic Engineering of Microorganisms for Biohydrogen Production, pp. 45-65 In. A Pandy, JS Chang, P Hallenbeck, C Larroche (eds.). Biohydrogen , Elsevier, San Diego. ISBN 978-0-444-59555-3


 주요 학술지논문

1) SY Lee, JM Cho, YK Chang, YK Oh* (2017) Cell disruption and lipid extraction for microalgal biorefinery: A review. Bioresour Technol (in press)

2) TH Kim YK Oh, J Lee, YK Chang* (2017) Levulinate production from algal cell hydrolysis using in situ transesterification. Algal Res (in press)

3) DY Kim, K Lee, J Lee, YH Lee, JI Han, JY Park, YK Oh* (2017) Acidified-flocculation process for harvesting of microalgae: flocculant reutilization and metal-free-microalgae recovery. Bioresour Technol 239: 190-6

4) J Son, M Sung, H Ryu, YK Oh, JI Han* (2017) Microalgae dewatering based on forward osmosis employing proton exchange membrane. Bioresour Technol 244: 57-62

5) M Jin, YK Oh, YK Chang, M Choi* (2017) Optimum utilization of biochemical components in Chlorella sp. KR-1 vai subcritical hydrothermal liquefaction. ACS Sus Chem Eng 5: 7240-8

6) J Church, JH Hwang, KT Kim, R Mclean, YK Oh, B Nam, JC Joo, WH Lee* (2017) Effect of salt type and concentrations on the growth rate and lipid content of Chlorella vulgaris for saline wastewater treatment and biofuel production. Bioresour Technol 243: 147-153

7) M Yun, YK Oh, R. Praveenkumar, YS Seo, S Cho* (2017) Contaminated bacterial effects and qPCR application to monitor a specific bacterium in Chlorella sp. KR-1 culture. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 22: 150-60

8) D Song, J Park, K Kim, LS Lee, JY Seo, YK Oh, YJ Kim, MH Ryou*, YM Lee*, K Lee* (2017) Recycling oil-extracted microalgal biomass residues into nano/micro hierarchical Sn/C composite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 250: 59-67

9) R Praveenkmuar, B Kim, J Lee, D Vijayan, K Lee, B Nam, SG Jeon, DM Kim, YK Oh* (2016) Mild pressure induces rapid accumulation of neutral lipids (triacylglycerol) in Chlorella spp. Bioresour Technol 220: 661-5

10) B Kim, R Praveenkumar, DM Kim, K Lee, YC Lee, YK Oh* (2016) Magnesium aminoclay enhances lipid production of mixotrophic Chlorella sp. KR-1 while reducing bacteria populations. Bioresour Technol 219: 608-13

11) JY Seo, R Praveenkumar, B Kim, JC Seo, JY Park, JG Na, SG Jeon, SB Park, K Lee*, YK Oh* (2016) Downstream integration of microalgae harvesting and cell-disruption by means of cationic-surfactant-decorated Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Green Chem 18: 3981-9 (Highlighted as inside back cover article)

12) HR An, SY Park, CY Lee, S Choi, SC Lee, S Seo, H Kim, EC Park, HS Kim, YK Oh, EJ Kim, CG Song, J Won, YJ Kim, J Lee, YC Lee, HU Lee (2016) Hydrogenated nanoporous TiO2 photocatalysts for efficient solar-photocatalytic applications. Sci Rep 6: 29683

13) DY Kim, D Vijayan, R Praveenkumar, JI Han, K Lee, JY Park, WS Chang, JS Lee, YK Oh* (2016) Cell-wall disruption and lipid/astaxanthin extraction from microalgae: Chlorella and Haematococcus. Bioresour Technol 199: 300-10

14) Y Heo, H Kang, JS Lee, YK Oh, SH Kim* (2016) Lithographically encrypted inverse opals for anti-counterfeiting applications. Small 12: 3819-26

15) TY Lee, R Praveenkumar, YK Oh, K Lee, SH Kim* (2016) Alginate microgels created by selective coalescence between core drops paired by ultrathin shell. J Mater Chem B 4: 3232-38 (IF 4.872)

16) C Kim, S Kumar Ainala, YK Oh, BH Jeon, S Park, JR Kim* (2016) Metabolic flux change in Klebsiella pneumoniae L17 by anaerobic respiration in microbial fuel cell. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 21: 250-60

17) YM Yun, HS Shin, CK Lee, YK Oh, HW Kim* (2016) Inhibition of residual n-hexane in anaerobic digestion of lipid-extracted microalgal waste and microbial community shift. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23:7138-45

18) HM Ji, HU Lee, EJ Kim, S Seo, B Kim, GW Lee, YK Oh, JY Kim, YS Huh, HA Song, YC Lee* (2016) Efficient harvesting of wet blue-green microalgal biomass by two-aminoclay [AC]-mixture systems Bioresour Technol 211: 313-8

19) YH Seo, M Sung, YK Oh, JI Han* (2016) Lipid extraction from microalgae cell using persulfate-based oxidation. Bioresour Technol 200: 1073-5

20) PC Sahoo, K Kim, JH Lee*, JI Han*, YK Oh (2015) Biomimetically synthesized hierarchical TiO2-graphitic carbon as anodic catalysts for direct alkaline sulfide fuel cell. ACS Sus Chem Eng 3: 1764-70

21) OK Lee, YK Oh, EY Lee* (2015) Bioethanol production from carbohydrate-enriched residual biomass obtained after lipid extraction of Chlorella sp. KR-1. Bioresour Technol 196: 22-7

22) R Praveenkumar, R Gwak, M Kang, TS Shim, S Cho, J Lee, YK Oh, K Lee*, B Kim* (2015) Regenerative astaxanthin extraction from a single microalgal Haematococcus pluvialis cell using a gold nano-scalpel. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 7: 22702-8

23) K Lee, JG Na, JY Seo, TS Shim, B Kim, R Praveenkumar, JY Park, YK Oh*, SG Jeon* (2015) Magnetic nanoflucculant-assisted water-nonpolar solvent interface sieve for microbial harvesting. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 7: 18336-43

24) SJ Oh, J Park, JG Na, YK Oh, YK Chang* (2015) Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from agarose by using a solid acid catalyst in dimethyl sulfoxide. RSC Adv 5: 47983-9

25) JY Seo, K Lee, R Praveenkumar, B Kim, SY Lee, YK Oh*, S Park*. (2015) Tri-Functional Carbon Microparticles Filled with Nano-Magnetites (Fe3O4) for Microalgal Harvesting and Lipid Entrapment. Chem Eng J 280: 206-14

26) YH Seo, D Park, YK Oh, S Yoon, JI Han* (2015) Harvesting of microalgae cell using oxidized wastewater. Bioresour Technol 192: 802-6

27) B Kim TY Jeon, YK Oh, SH Kim* (2015) Microfluidic production of semipermeable microcapsules by polymerization-induced phase separation. Langmuir 31: 6027-34

28) YH Seo, M Sung, YK Oh, JI Han* (2015) Lipid extraction from microalgae cell using UV-Fenton-like reaction. Bioresour Technol 192: 792-4

29) JO Shim DW Jeong, WJ Jang, KW Jeon, SH Kim, BH Jeon, HS Roh*, JG Na, YK Oh, SS Han, CH Ko* (2015) Optimization of unsupported CoMo catalysts for decarboxylation of oleic acid. Catalysis Communications 67: 16-20

30) JG Na, YK Park, DI Kim, YK Oh, SG Jeon, JW Kook, JH Shin, SH Lee* (2015) Rapid pyrolysis behavior of oleaginous microalga, Chlorella sp. KR-1 with different triglyceride contents Renew Energ 81: 779-84

31) D Kim, JI Han*, YK Oh, JY Park, B Kim, SA Choi (2015) An integrated process for microalgae harvesting and cell disruption by the use of ferric ions Bioresour Technol 191: 469-74

32) YH Seo, M Sung, YK Oh, JI Han* (2015) Lipid extraction and esterification for microalgae-based biodiesel production using pyrite (FeS2). Bioresour Technol 191: 420-5

33) T Hwang, YK Oh, B Kim, JI Han (2015) Dramatic improvement of membrane performance for microalgae harvesting with a simple bubble-generate plate. Bioresour Technol 186: 343-7

34) YH Seo, M Sung, B Kim, YK Oh, JI Han* (2015) Ferric chloride based downstream process for microalgae based biodiesel production. Bioresour Technol 181: 143-7

35) T Hwang, MR Kotte, JI Han, YK Oh, MS Diallo* (2015) Microalgae recovery by ultrafiltration using novel fouling-resistant PVDF membranes with in situ PEGylated polyethyleneimine particles. Water Res 73: 181-92

36) R Praveenkumar, K Lee, J Lee, YK Oh* (2015) Breaking dormancy: an energy efficient means of recovering astaxanthin from microalgae. Green Chem 17: 1226-34

37) YC Lee, K Lee, YK Oh* (2015) Recent nanoparticle engineering advances in microalgal cultivation and harvesting processes of biodiesel production: A review. Bioresour Technol 184: 63-72

38) JY Park, K Lee, SA Choi, MJ Jeong, B Kim, JS Lee, YK Oh* (2015) Sonication-assisted homogenization system for improved lipid extraction from Chlorella vulgaris. Renew Energ 79: 3-8

39) DY Kim, T Hwang, YK Oh, JI Han (2014) Harvesting Chlorella sp. KR-1 using cross-flow electro-filtration. Algal Res 6: 170-4

40) *HU Lee, SC Lee, YC Lee, B Son, SY Park, JW Lee, YK Oh, YS Lee, J Lee (2014) Innovative three dimensional (3D-) eco-TiO2 photocatalysts for partical environmental and bio-medical applications. Sci Rep 4: 6740

41) DY Kim, JY Park, SA Choi, YK Oh, IG Lee, YW Seo, JI Han (2014) The effects of microalgal cell disruption via FeCl3-based synergistic effect between Fenton-like and Lewis acid reaction for lipid extraction. Algal Res 6: 86-90

42) MK Ji, AN Kabra, J Choi, JH Hwang, JR Kim, RAI Abou-Shanab, YK Oh, BH Jeon* (2014) Biodegradation of bisphenol A by freshwater microalgae Chlamydomonas mexicana and Chlorella vulgaris. Ecol Eng 73: 260-69 (IF 2.740) Sept

43) R Praveenkumar, B Kim, E Choi, K Lee, JY Park, JS Lee, YC Lee, YK Oh* (2014) Improved biomass and lipid production in a mixotrophic culture of Chlorella sp. KR-1 with addition of coal-fired flue gas. Bioresour Technol 171: 500-5

44) I Lee, JY Park, SA Choi, YK Oh, JI Han* (2014) Hydrothermal nitric acid treatment for effectual lipid extraction from wet microalgae biomass Bioresour Technol 172: 138-42

45) I Schmidt, K Lee, E Zolotoyabko, P Werner, TS Shim, YK Oh, P Fratzl, W Wagermaier* (2014) Nanocrystalline calcitic lens arrays fabricated by self-assembly followed by amorphous-to crystalline phase transformation ACS Nano 8: 9233-8

46) Y Hwang*, YC Lee*, P Mines, YK Oh, JS Choi, H Andersen (2014) Investigation of washing and storage strategy on aging of Mg-aminoclay (MgAC) coated nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) particles. Chem Eng Sci 119: 310-7

47) R Praveenkumar, B Kim, E Choi, K Lee, S Cho, JS Hyun, JY Park, YC Lee, HU Lee, YK Oh* (2014) Mixotrophic cultivation of oleaginous Chlorella sp. KR-1 mediated by actual coal-fired flue gas for biodiesel production. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 37: 2083-94

48) HS Lee, JH Kim, JS Lee, JY Sim, JY Seo, YK Oh, SM Yang, SH Kim* (2014) Magnetoresponsive discoidal photonic crystals toward active color pigments. Adv Mater 26: 5801-7 (Highlighted as inside cover article)

49) K Lee, SY Lee, R Praveenkumar, B Kim, JY Seo, SG Jeon, JG Na, JY Park, DM Kim, YK Oh* (2014) Repeated use of stable magnetic flocculant for efficient harvest of oleaginous Chlorella sp. Bioresour Technol 167: 284-90

50) JY Park*, B Nam, SA Choi, YK Oh, JS Lee (2014) Effects of anionic surfactant on extraction of free fatty acid from Chlorella vulgaris Bioresour Technol 166: 620-4

51) HU Lee, YC Lee, SC Lee, SY Park, B Son, JW Lee, CH Lim, CJ Choi, MH Choi, YK Oh, J Lee (2014) Visible-light-responsive bicrystalline (anatase/brookite) nanoporous nitrogen-doped TiO2 photocatalysts by plasma treatment. Chem Eng J 254: 268-75

52) JY Park*, SA Choi, MJ Jeong, B Nam, YK Oh, JS Lee (2014) Changes in fatty acid composition of Chlorella vulgaris by hypochlorous acid. Bioresour Technol 162: 379-83

53) HU Lee*, SY Park, ES Park, B Son, SC Lee, JW Lee, YC Lee, KS Kang, MI Kim, HG Park, S Choi, YS Huh, SY Lee, KB Lee, Choi, YK Oh, J Lee (2014) Photoluminescent carbon nanotags from harmful cyanobacteria for drug delivery and imaging in cancer cells. Sci Rep 4: 4665

54) YM Yun, DH Kim, YK Oh, HS Shin, KW Jung* (2014) Application of a novel enzymatic pretreatment using crude hydrolytic extracellular enzyme solution to microalgal biomass for dark fermentative hydrogen production. Bioresour Technol 159: 365-72

55) SA Choi, JS Lee*, YK Oh, MJ Jeong, SW Kim, JY Park* (2014) Lipid extraction from Chlorella vulgaris by molten-salt/ionic-liquid mixtures. Algal Res 3: 44-8

56) YC Lee, HU Lee, K Lee, B Kim SY Lee, MH Choi, W Farooq, JS Choi, JY Park, YK Oh*, YS Huh* (2014) Aminoclay-conjugated TiO2 synthesis for simultaneous harvesting and wet-disruption of oleaginous Chlorella sp. Chem Eng J 245: 143-9 (Highlighted as cover article)

57) MH Choi, Y Hwang, HU Lee, B Kim, GW Lee, YK Oh, HR Andersen, YC Lee, YS Huh* (2014) Aquatic ecotoxicity effect of engineered aminoclay nanoparticles. Ecotox Environ Safe 102: 34-41

58) JO Shim, DW Jeong, WJ Jang, KW Jeon, BH Jeon, SY Cho, HS Roh*, JG Na, CH Ko, YK Oh, SS Han* (2014) Deoxygenation of oleic acid over Ce(1-x)Zr(x)O2 catalysts in hydrogen environment. Renew Energ 65: 36-40

59) SA Choi, YK Oh, MJ Jeong, SW Kim, JS Lee, JY Park* (2014) Effects of ionic liquid mixtures on lipid extraction from Chlorella vulgaris. Renew Energ 65: 169-74

60) YC Lee, SY Oh, HU Lee, B Kim, SY Lee, MH Choi, GW Lee, JY Park, YK Oh, T Ryu, YK Han, KS Chung*, YS Huh* (2014) Aminoclay-induced humic acid flocculations for efficient harvesting of oleaginous Chlorella sp. Bioresour Technol 153: 365-9

61) JY Seo, K Lee, SY Lee, SG Jeon, JG Na, YK Oh*, SB Park* (2014) Effect of barium ferrite particle size on detachment efficiency in magnetophoretic harvesting of oleaginous Chlorella sp. Bioresour Technol 152: 562-6

62) JY Park*, YK Oh, JS Lee, K Lee, MJ Jeong, SA Choi (2014) Acid-catalyzed hot-water extraction of lipids from Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresour Technol 153: 408-12

63) YC Lee, K Lee, Y Hwang, HR Andersen, B Kim, SY Lee, MH Choi, JY Park, YK Oh*, YS Huh* (2014) Aminoclay-templated nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) synthesis for efficient harvesting of oleaginous microalga, Chlorella sp. KR-1. RSC Adv 4: 4122-7

64) WI Choi, JY Park, JP Lee, YK Oh, JS Kim, JM Park, CH Kim, JS Lee* (2013) Optimization of NaOH-catalyzed steam pretreatment of empty fruit bunch. Biotechnol Biofuels 6: 170

65) K Lee, SY Lee, JG Na, SG Jeon, R Praveenkumar, DM Kim, WS Chang, YK Oh* (2013) Magnetophoretic harvesting of oleaginous Chlorella sp. by using biocompatible chitosan/magnetic nanoparticle composites. Bioresour Technol 149: 575-8

66) OK Lee, YH Kim, JG Na, YK Oh*, EY Lee* (2013) Highly efficient extraction and lipase-catalyzed transesterification of triglycerides from Chlorella sp. KR-1 for production of biodiesel. Bioresour Technol 147: 240-5

67) MK Ji, JH Hwang, AI Abou-Shanab, TC Timmes, HC Kim YK Oh, BH Jeon* (2013) Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from piggery wastewater effluent using the green microalga Scenedesmus obliquus. J Environ Eng (ASCE) 139: 1198-205

68) YC Lee, YS Huh, W Farooq, JI Han, YK Oh, JY Park* (2013) Oil extraction by aminoparticles-based H2O2 activation via wet microalgae harvesting. RSC Adv 3: 12802-9

69) ES Salama, HC Kim, RAI Abou-Shanab, MK Ji, YK Oh, SH Kim, BH Jeon* (2013) Biomass, lipid content and fatty acid composition of freshwater Chlamydomonas mexicana and Scenedesmus obliquus grown under salt stress. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 36: 827-33

70) T Hwang, SJ Park, YK Oh, N Rashid, JI Han* (2013) Harvesting of Chlorella sp. KR-1 using a cross-flow filtration system equipped with an anti-fouling membrane. Bioresour Technol 139: 379-82

71) YM Yun*, KW Jung, DH Kim, YK Oh, SK Cho, HS Shin (2013) Optimization of dark fermentative H2 production from microalgal biomass by combined (acid+ultrasonic) pretreatment. Bioresour Technol 141: 220-6

72) YC Lee, YS Huh, W Farooq, J Chung, JI Han, HJ Shin, SH Jeong, JS Lee, YK Oh, JY Park* (2013) Lipid extractions from docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich and oleaginous Chlorella sp. biomasses by organic-nanoclays. Bioresour Technol 137: 74-81

73) YC Lee, B Kim, W Farooq, J Chung, JI Han, HJ Shin, SH Jeong, JY Park, YK Oh* (2013) Harvesting of oleaginous Chlorella sp. by organoclays. Bioresour Technol 132: 440-5

74) S Cho, N Lee, S Park, J Yu, TT Luong, YK Oh, T Lee* (2013) Microalgae cultivation for bioenergy production using wastewaters from a municipal WWTP as nutritional sources. Bioresour Technol 131: 515-20

75) HS Cho, YK Oh, SC Park, JW Lee, JY Park* (2013) Enzymatic hydrolysis of Chlorella vulgaris cell walls for enhanced lipid recovery. Renew Energ 54: 156-60

76) RAI Abou-Shanab, VR Sapireddy, NMA Hassanin, HC Kim, Y Kim, S Oh, YK Oh, BH Jeon* (2012) Manipulation nutrient composition of microalgal growth media to improve biomass yield and lipid content of Micractinium pusillum. Afr J of Biotechnol 11: 16270-6

77) JG Na, BE Y, JK Han, YK Oh, JH Park, TS Jung, SS Han, HC Yoon, JN Kim, H Lee, CH Ko* (2012) Deoxygenation of microalgal oil into hydrocarbon with precious metal catalysts: Optimization of reaction conditions and supports. Energy 47: 25-30

78) E Seol, Y Jang, S Kim, YK Oh, S Park* (2012) Engineering of formate-hydrogen lyase gene cluster for improved hydrogen production in Escherichia coli. Int J Hydrogen Energy 37: 15045-51

79) YM Yun, KW Jung, DH Kim, YK Oh, HS Shin* (2012) Microalgal biomass as a feedstock for bio-hydrogen production. Int J Hydrogen Energy 37: 15533-9

80) J Lee, E Seol, G Kaur, YK Oh, S Park* (2012) Hydrogen production from C1 compounds by a novel marine hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermococcus onnurineus NA1. Int J Hydrogen Energy 37: 11113-21

81) JG Na, JK Han, YK Oh, JH Park, TS Jung, SS Han, HC Yoon, SH Chung, JN Kim, CH Ko* (2012) Decarboxylation of microalgal oil without hydrogen into hydrocarbon for the production of transportation fuel. Catal Today 185: 313-74

82) KT Chue*, LNTen, YK Oh, SG Woo, M Lee, SA Yoo* (2012) Carotenoid compounds of five microalgae species. Chem Nat Compd 48: 141-2

83) L.N. Ten, YK Oh, KT Chue, SG Woo, M Lee, CY Cho, SA Yoo (2012) Fatty acid compositions of three microalgal species. Chem Nat Compd 48: 866-7

84) S Cho, D Lee, TT Loung, YK Oh, T Lee* (2011) Effect of carbon and nitrogen sources on fatty acid contents and composition in the green microalga, Chlorella sp. 227. J Microbiol Biotechnol 21: 1073-80

85) JH Hwang, JA Choi, YK Oh, R.A.I. Abou-Shanab, H Song, B Min, Y Cho, JG Na, BH Jeon* (2011) Hydrogen production from sulfate- and ferrous-enriched wastewater. Int J Hydrogen Energy 36: 13984-90

86) YK Oh, SM Raj, GY Jung, S Park* (2011) Current status of the metabolic engineering of microorganisms for biohydrogen production. Bioresour Technol 102: 8357-67

87) S Cho, TT Luong, D Lee, YK Oh, T Lee* (2011) Reuse of effluent water from a municipal wastewater treatment in microalgae cultivation for biofuel production. Bioresour Technol 102: 8639-45

88) JG Na, HS Lee, YK Oh, JY Park, CH Ko, SH Lee, KB Yi, SH Chung, SG Jeon* (2011) Fast estimation of lipid contents of Chlorella sp. KR-1 by thermogravimetric analysis. Biotechnol Lett 33: 957-60

89) YK Oh*, S Park, EH Seol (2011) Decolorization of synthetic dyes by Citrobacter amalonaticus Y19. J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng 42: 492-7

90) E Seol, A Manimaran, Y Jang, S Kim, YK Oh, S Park* (2011) Immobilization of the recombinant Escherichia coli SH5 for sustained hydrogen production. Int J Hydrogen Energy 36: 8681-6

91) RAI Abou-Shanab, IA Matter, SN Kim, YK Oh, J Choi, BH Jeon* (2011) Characterization and identification of lipid producing microalgae species isolated from freshwater lake. Biomass & Bioenergy 35: 3079-85

92) HL Tran, JS Kwon, ZH Kim, YK Oh, CG Lee* (2010) Statistical optimization of culture media for growth and lipid production of Botryococcus braunii LB572. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 15: 277-84

93) S Kim, E Seol, YK Oh, GY Wang, S Park* (2009) Hydrogen production and metabolic flux analysis of metabolically engineered Escherichia coli strains. Int J Hydrogen Energy 34: 7417-27

94) DY Lee, YY Li, YK Oh, MS Kim, T Noike* (2009) Effect of iron concentration on continuous H2 production using membrane bioreactor. Int J Hydrogen Energy 34: 1244-5

95) SK Lim, SJ Kim, SH Cha, YK Oh, MS Kim, JK Lee* (2009) Complete genome sequence of Rhodobacter sphaeroides KD 131. J Bacteriol 191(3): 1118-9

96) YK Oh, YJ Lee, EH Choi, MS Kim* (2008) Bioelectrocatalytic hydrogen production using Thiocapsa roseopersicina hydrogenase in two-compartment fuel cell. Int J Hydrogen Energy 33: 5218-23

97) YK Oh, S Park*, EH Seol, SH Kim, MS Kim, JW Hwang, DDY Ryu (2008) Carbon and energy balances of glucose fermentation with hydrogen-producing bacterium Citrobacter amalonaticus. J Microbiol Biotechnol 18: 532-8

98) YK Oh, HJ Kim, S Park*, MS Kim, DDY Ryu (2008) Metabolic-flux analysis of hydrogen production pathway in Citrobacter amalonaticus Y19. Int J Hydrogen Energy 33: 1471-82

99) MS Kim*, EH Choi, YK Oh (2008) Characterization of soluble hydrogenase from purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina and its prolonged in vitro hydrogen evolution. Int J Hydrogen Energy 33: 1496-502

100) TAD Nguyen, SJ Han, JP Kim, MS Kim, YK Oh, SJ Sim* (2008) Hydrogen production by the hyperthermophilic eubacterium, Thermotoga neapolitana using cellulose pretreated by ionic liquid. Int J Hydrogen Energy 33: 5161-8

101) TAD Nguyen, JP Kim, MS Kim, YK Oh, SJ Sim* (2008) Optimization of hydrogen production by hyperthermophilic eubacteria Thermotoga maritime and Thermotoga neapolitana in batch fermentation. Int J Hydrogen Energy 33: 1483-8

102) S Kim, E Seol, SM Raj, YK Oh, S Park*, DDY Ryu (2008) Various hydrogenases and formate dependent hydrogen production in Citrobacter amalonaticus Y19. Int J Hydrogen Energy 33: 1509-15

103) YK Oh, BO Palsson, SM Park, CH Schilling R Mahadevan* (2007) Genome-scale reconstruction of metabolic network in Bacillus subtilis based on high-throughput phenotyping and gene essentiality data. J Biol Chem 282: 28791-9

104) SG Lee, YJ Kim, SI Han, YK Oh, S Park, YH Kim, KS Hwang* (2006) Simulation of dynamic behavior of glucose- and tryptophan-grown Escherichia coli using constraint-based metabolic models with a hierarchical regulatory network. J Microbiol Biotechnol 16: 993-8

105) YJ Kim, YK Oh, W Kang, EY Lee, S Park* (2005) Production of human caseinomacropeptide in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 35: 402-8

106) Y Ahn, EJ Kim, YK Oh, S Park*, G Webster, AJ Weightman (2005) Microbial community of biofilm from a thermophilic trickling biofilter used for continuous biohydrogen production. FEMS Microbiol Lett 249: 31-8

107) YJ Kim, S Park*, YK Oh, W Kang, HS Kim, EY Lee (2005) Purification and characterization of human caseinomacropeptide produced by a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Protein Exp Pur 41: 441-6

108) YJ Kim, YK Oh, SS Yoo, KY Park, W Kang, S Park* (2005) Antiobesity effect of recombinant human caseinomacropeptide in Sprague-Dawley rat. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 10: 242-7

109) YK Oh, YJ Kim, JY Park, TH Lee, MS Kim, S Park* (2005) Biohydrogen production from carbon monoxide and water by Rhodopseudomonas palustris P4. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 10: 270-4

110) YS Na, CH Lee, TK Lee, SW Lee, YS Park, YK Oh, S Park, SK Song* (2005) Photocatalytic decomposition of nonbiodegradable substances in wastewater from an acrylic fibre manufacturing process. Korean J Chem Eng 22: 246-9

111) YK Oh, SH Kim, MS Kim, S Park* (2004) Thermophilic biohydrogen production from glucose with trickling biofilter. Biotechnol Bioeng 88: 690-8

112) YK Oh, EH Seol, MS Kim, S Park* (2004) Photoproduction of hydrogen from acetate by a chemoheterotrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris P4. Int J Hydrogen Energy 29: 1115-21

113) EY Lee, SS Yoo, HS Kim, Lee SJ, YK Oh, S Park* (2004) Production of (S)-styrene oxide by recombinant Pichia pastoris containing epoxide hydrolase from Rhodotorula glutinis. Enzyme Microb Technol 35: 624-31

114) YS Na, DH Kim, CH Lee, SW Lee, YS Park, YK Oh, S Park, SK Song* (2004) Photocatalytic decolorization of Rhodamine B by fluidized bed reactor with hollow ceramic ball photocatalyst. Kor J Chem Eng 21: 430-5

115) YK Oh, YJ Kim, Y Ahn, SK Song, S Park* (2004) Color removal of real textile wastewater by sequential anaerobic and aerobic reactors. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 9: 419-22

116) YK Oh, EH Seol, JR Kim, S Park* (2003) Fermentative biohydrogen production by a new chemoheterotrophic bacterium Citrobacter sp. Y19. Int J Hydrogen Energy 28: 1353-9

117) JR Kim, YK Oh, YJ Yoon, EY Lee, S Park* (2003) Oxygen sensitivity of carbon monoxide-dependent hydrogen production activity in Citrobacter sp. J Microbiol Biotechnol 13: 717-24

118) YK Oh, MS Park, EH Seol, SJ Lee, S Park* (2003) Isolation of hydrogen-producing bacteria from granular sludge of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 8: 54-7

119) YK Oh, EH Seol, EY Lee, S Park* (2002) Fermentative hydrogen production by a new chemoheterotrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris P4. Int J Hydrogen Energy 27: 1373-9

주요 특허

1) PCT/KR2013/005023, 흡수식 미세조류 탈수장치 (2013.6.7.)

2) PCT/KR2012/007630, Harvesting and oil production from oleaginous microorganisms using nanoclays

3) PCT/KR2012/003839, Vinyl sheet type photobioreactor and method for manufacturing the same

4) PCT/KR2011/008899, Method of extracting lipids from microalgae by two step pyrolysis

5) PCT/KR2010/006561, Novel strain Chlamydomonas pitschmannii YSL03

6) US-12/316,686, Production of recombinant photosynthetic bacteria which produces molecular hydrogen in light independent manner and hydrogen evolution method using the strain, Korea Institute of Energy Research, USA

